Emerald One.
The Benefits of Brilliance.

Emerald One tailors all strategic consulting services to your specific requirements.

Blending our proprietary Elements of Brilliance™ with proven strategies,
execution techniques, cultural systems, and tools for continuous measurement and improvement,
we uncover your needs and elevate your effectiveness. Emerald One’s Consulting Services include:


Acquisition Alignment

Whether acquiring a new business or gauging contract performance, Emerald One identifies, analyzes, and closes IT integration gaps while unifying your team around an outcomes-focused model that integrates due diligence and your digital roadmap.


Resource Value Maximization

If you already have the processes, talent, and technology you need but aren’t meeting your goals, Emerald One’s trademarked process, the Elements of Brilliance, can align and advance your team to achieve your full potential.


Executive Coaching and Communication

The success of your transformation hinges on leadership’s ability to drive the process and cultural changes you need. We can help equip you with the skills and tactics you need to lead your team into the future.

What makes us different?


We implemented over $50 billion
of business and technology strategies.


Our Elements of Brilliance™
framework drives program
success and sustainability.


We led 40k+ employees
through transformation
focusing on what matters.


Our 30+ awards across industry &
government show that we’re recognized
thought and implementation leaders
known for getting things done.


Our strategies
help you get the results you
need today.


We seek mission-driven
leaders and organizations
we understand the importance
of making positive change.